Monday, October 1, 2012

I'm Back!

Wow, I don't think anyone even read it in the two years I've ignored it. Whatever it's completely useless and has only three posts so I'm not offended. It doesn't even have a specific title, although I think the background is awesome. It's hard to read though which is an issue.
     So maybe I'll just start by posting everyday kind of stuff. Nobody will probably read it but it will be interesting anyway. A kind of public journal, not as informative though! I don't put all my personal BS on facebook and I'm not going to put it on here just because it's anonymous.
     I work at an ice cream shop. It's actually gelato (Italian ice cream). It's a fun, sugary environment and I like it. I was trained for production (they make the gelato fresh at the shop), but now I'm also being trained for sales which is interesting and fun to me because I have never ran a register before.
     I am friends with my manager-boss. I got the job through her. I don't drive. (I'm old enough just haven't had the practice to go get my license yet for certain reasons) I usually walk or bike to work since it is not far. My boss said she would pick me up along the way cause she was out running errands. She had her dog with. So while I was riding with them, the dog tried to oh so gently eat my long feather earring right off my ear! It was hilarious. So that made me smile. Little things like that that give you a good laugh can just make your day. I love dogs. I miss mine.
    So there is your random post for the day!